8 Vehicles found
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Used 2016 BMW X5

Used 2016 BMW X5
Selling Price
*Please note: We update our inventory daily. Please check with dealer to confirm vehicle availability.
Stock Number: 243925A
Trim: xDrive50i
Engine: 4.4L V8 DOHC 32V Twin Turbocharged
Transmission: Automatic
Exterior Color: Space Gray Metallic
Interior Color: Mocha
Miles: 97,076

Used 2023 BMW X5

Used 2023 BMW X5
Selling Price
*Please note: We update our inventory daily. Please check with dealer to confirm vehicle availability.
Stock Number: 250228A
Trim: xDrive40i
Engine: 3.0L I6 DOHC 24V TwinPower Turbo
Transmission: 8-Speed Automatic Sport
Exterior Color: White Metallic
Interior Color: Black
Miles: 46,609

Used 2019 BMW X5

Used 2019 BMW X5
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*Please note: We update our inventory daily. Please check with dealer to confirm vehicle availability.
Stock Number: KLL08328
Trim: xDrive40i
Engine: 3.0L I6 DOHC 24V TwinPower Turbo
Transmission: Automatic
Exterior Color: Carbon Black Metallic
Interior Color: Cognac
Miles: 79,000

Used 2016 BMW X5

Used 2016 BMW X5
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*Please note: We update our inventory daily. Please check with dealer to confirm vehicle availability.
Stock Number: G0P24479
Trim: xDrive35i
Engine: 3.0L I6 DOHC 24V TwinPower Turbo
Transmission: Automatic
Exterior Color: Space Gray Metallic
Interior Color: Black
Miles: 122,327

Used 2016 BMW X5

Used 2016 BMW X5
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*Please note: We update our inventory daily. Please check with dealer to confirm vehicle availability.
Stock Number: G0P24479
Trim: xDrive35i
Engine: 3.0L I6 DOHC 24V TwinPower Turbo
Transmission: Automatic
Exterior Color: Space Gray Metallic
Interior Color: Black
Miles: 122,327

Used 2019 BMW X5

Used 2019 BMW X5
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*Please note: We update our inventory daily. Please check with dealer to confirm vehicle availability.
Stock Number: KLL08328
Trim: xDrive40i
Engine: 3.0L I6 DOHC 24V TwinPower Turbo
Transmission: Automatic
Exterior Color: Carbon Black Metallic
Interior Color: Cognac
Miles: 79,000

Used 2017 BMW X5

Used 2017 BMW X5
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*Please note: We update our inventory daily. Please check with dealer to confirm vehicle availability.
Stock Number: H0V65200
Trim: xDrive35i
Engine: 3.0L I6 DOHC 24V TwinPower Turbo
Transmission: Automatic
Exterior Color: Space Gray Metallic
Miles: 44,778

Used 2017 BMW X5

Used 2017 BMW X5
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*Please note: We update our inventory daily. Please check with dealer to confirm vehicle availability.
Stock Number: H0V65200
Trim: xDrive35i
Engine: 3.0L I6 DOHC 24V TwinPower Turbo
Transmission: Automatic
Exterior Color: Space Gray Metallic
Miles: 44,778

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